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World Wine Consultants SA

Importer, Distributor

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Since 1985 we have been quietly importing a selling the wares, albeit back then like pushing a snowball up the mountain, the wines came from Castello dei Rampolla, G.Soldera, S.Radikon and other Italian greats well before the Biodynamic method became fashionable, as it is today. Now that the champions of Burgundy, Alsace, Bordeaux and all the raw & real became interested in top quality grapes to make wine for the wine thinker and the wine drinker.. So there is little to add to one of the greatest viticultural stories since the famous Koberwitz lecture in 1924. ''Matter (grapes) is never without spirit. Spirit (vinegrower) is never without matter''. R.S.
67 Pall Mall
London, SW1Y 5ES
United Kingdom
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